Introducing Peer and Expert Inspections


Why should you choose Tendable?


More than simple compliance. This is not simply about reporting it is about improving. Helping drive culture as well as provide assurance.


Continually developing and being improved. Our solution is being improved constantly with new features and elements. Like you we are restless to improve.


We work with you to make sure the solution is implemented properly. Our team of experts make sure the solution fits and works for you.

More than just tech

At Tendable we are more than just tech. We have a dedicated Customer Success team to support you through the project management and implementation of your requirements on your Tendable journey. Tendable takes you through a full change management process, working with key stakeholders, running workshop engagement sessions, and finding champions within your organisation that will encourage the team to get on board. Our team have a background in consultancy and can run projects with you at key stages of your journey to help you make the most of the system and the data you receive from it.

In addition to this, we have a selection of useful resources to aide your research. Click the download button to request a copy.

Buyers Guide
Our aim with this guide is to objectively take you through the features that make a great quality solution, based on the experience and understanding we’ve built up over the many years that we have been leading in this industry. We will not only look at the technology itself but everything that should come with it: the support around the solution, the network you will get access to and the overall aims of the business.
Technical Guide
The purpose of this document is to provide a general overview of the technology supporting the Tendable system. The categories are organised into: Introduction System Requirements, User Management Data Integration, Hosting, Security and Business Continuity.
Make or Buy Guide
Here at Tendable we often get asked what organisations should consider when looking at purchasing an audit tool or building one internally, so we thought we would pull together this quick guide to aide your decision making. We hope this guide provides you with the information you need to start to have informed discussions as to whether you ‘make or buy’ your product.
Benefits Realisation Calculator

Our Benefits Realisation Calculator can demonstrate the benefits and a variety of hidden costs through our strong quality audit programme via the following lenses:

  • Operational efficiencies from using a digital solution and leveraging technology where possible.
  • Time releasing savings from reviewing your existing quality audit activities.
Business Case
This document will provide you with general information regarding Tendable and information to support you in drafting a business case. This document should be used in conjunction with your quotation and the Tendable cost saving calculator.

Assurance first

A quality programme isn’t just about reassuring your leaders that quality is where it needs to be, it should give assurance that quality is being reviewed, and where issues are identified they are being addressed. As part of the implementation process, your Customer Success representative will support you to develop a programme that gives you assurance, not just reassurance.

The ability to ensure that your quality programme aligns resources and effort with risk means that your programme improves the quality and consistency of service. Our Customer Success team can provide you with a clear view of where risk sits and what mitigations have been put in place to address it. It can ensure that you involve front line teams effectively and involve them in the quality process in a way that traditional programmes quite often do not.

Our implementation process


With Tendable, you will get more than just an audit system. Our dedicated Customer Success team will work with you to implement your new quality assurance solution so that you get the best out of the technology and out of your teams.

First, the team will work with you to understand your quality aims and the key risks to your organisation. Next you will design your new quality programme, drawing on what you have done historically within your organisation, and on what we have seen work well for teams just like you. The structure of the programme will be consistent across all of your teams and areas, with tailoring to make sure your staff are only answering the questions that are relevant to them.

When your quality programme has been designed and configured, the next stage is to train and engage the teams across your entire organisation, giving staff the confidence and enthusiasm to use the tool. You’ll be shown how to use analytics and reporting to understand risks, issues and themes, and pinpoint those areas that need additional support.