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Four Inspection Principles for Success: A Guide to Quality Assurance

Author Rose Pillay's Image

Rose Pillay

Chief Strategic Partnerships Officer
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In the realm of quality assurance, inspections are a cornerstone for maintaining high standards and enabling continuous improvement. However, inspections often fall into the trap of becoming mere formalities - tick-box exercises with little real impact. To counter this, it's crucial to adopt a strategic approach that maximises the effectiveness of inspections. Here are four inspection principles that can help transform your quality assurance practices.

1. Make It Meaningful

Inspections should never be reduced to a simple check-the-box activity. To make inspections meaningful:

By focusing on these elements, inspections become powerful tools for identifying areas for improvement and driving positive change.

2. Be Timely

Timeliness is a crucial factor in the success of inspections:

Incorporating peer inspections into your routine can further enhance the process. Peer inspections, where colleagues inspect each other's departments or even different sites, bring fresh perspectives and insights. Tendable supports tagging of peer inspection activities, making it easy to integrate this practice into your workflow.

3. Spread the Love

Inspection responsibilities should not rest on the shoulders of only a few individuals. Distributing these duties widely has multiple benefits:

Clear communication of required actions is essential. Use the SMART framework (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound) to signpost what needs to be done, who needs to do it, and by when. This clarity helps action owners understand their responsibilities and the expectations placed upon them.

4. Know How You're Doing

Monitoring progress and understanding trends are critical for continuous improvement:

Adopting the Plan, Do, Study, Act (PDSA) cycle can enhance your action planning. This involves monitoring action plans, evidencing actions taken, and re-inspecting if necessary to ensure issues are resolved.


Building an effective inspection-based quality assurance program requires effort and strategic planning. By following these four principles - making inspections meaningful, being timely, spreading responsibilities, and continuously monitoring performance - you can enhance the impact of your inspections and drive substantial improvements.

If you’re looking to streamline your inspection process and make it more effective, consider exploring Tendable. With features designed to support these principles, Tendable can help you achieve your quality assurance goals.

Learn how Tendable can help meet your quality assurance goals today

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