Introducing Peer and Expert Inspections


Making the case for Quality

Author Tim Bolot's Image

Tim Bolot

Founder and CEO
Blog Hero Image

As we approach the end of the financial year, we thought we’d highlight some points to prepare you for the year ahead:

Firstly, do you know how much front-line staff time you are investing in quality assurance each week and what, if any, impact is it having on quality?

Well, Tendable can support you in your quality improvement journey from managing time and resourcing your central quality team to devoting, collating, and analysing information for the board and various committees.

Secondly, are you properly engaging and training your front-line teams around quality or are you simply creating an administrative burden? At Tendable, we provide an easy-to-use and engaging, digital quality tool to over 100 health and social care organisations across the globe. Based on our experience in the quality improvement world, we think we can help support you and your front-line teams through our data capturing and action-planning tools.

Over the past few weeks, we have been sharing some key insights from team Tendable, looking into our case for quality. Our Founder and CEO of Tendable, Tim Bolot, introduces our case for quality and the importance of assessing your current objectives and adequately planning to increase productivity.

Our Chief Finance Officer, Robert Thornton shared his top five tips for investing in your own quality improvement journey:

  1. Engagement – A quality assurance programme is nothing without the full support and engagement of the front-line teams who audit, self-assess, identify actions, and improve. Any quality assurance programme needs to enable that engagement.
  2. Flexibility – Quality assurance needs to be able to adapt and address the changing pressures in the service as well as respond to incidents and improvement programmes required. ​
  3. Reporting – The quality assurance programme should create visibility, through adaptable reporting, with management and board at all levels to act as a call to action and to evidence progress, reward excellence and support improvement. ​
  4. Cost effective – Time freed up in execution, management, maintenance, and evolution of the programme needs to be substantially more than its cost.​
  5. A strong partner – To work with a partner who can consistently bring new ideas and new methods of working, is in it for the long haul, and can bring examples of best practice from across health and social care to the programme, is the best guarantor of success over the long term.

As part of our case for quality, we also interviewed Carrie Marr, who is the former Chief Executive of Clinical Excellence Commission. Carrie has worked in the industry for a number of years on improving patient safety and quality improvement.

In our 5-part series Carrie discusses how we can take steps within our healthcare systems to make care safer.

Episode 1:

Episode 2:

Episode 3:

Episode 4:

Episode 5:

And that’s a wrap on our business case on quality!

Feel free to get in touch, and book a demo to see Tendable in action:

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