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Spotlight: Wirral University Teaching Hospital

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Throughout November, Tendable has shone a spotlight on Wirral University Teaching Hospital to highlight their incredible story, the trust is known nationally for its crucial role in the initial stages of the COVID-19 Pandemic in January 2020.

We first looked at Fiona Morris, Corporate Lead Nurse, telling us how they used Tendable to embed a Ward Accreditation Program (WISE) within their Trust.

WUTH took the initiative of embedding a Ward Accreditation Program using their own BI Portal to triangulate data for them to achieve the quality outputs. ​

Fiona leads on the WISE (Wirral, Individual, Safe care, Every time) Assessment and Accreditation system, at Wirral University Teaching Hospital. The WISE is a suite of 14 inspections using the Tendable App. Fiona explains how this benefits everyone at WUTH from the Organisational management to IPC as Tendable is used as a guide on-the-go for Quality Improvement all the time.​

​You can find the full video here:

Spotlight on Wirral University Teaching Hospitals: Embedding a Ward Accreditation Program - YouTube

In the second week, we gained insight into how Jay Turner-Gardner, Associate Director of Nursing for Infection, Prevention and Control tackled IPC during COVID.

As we asked the key question, how does your organisation manage their IPC process? ​

In this short video, Jay describes the challenges faced when welcoming COVID Expats back in January 2020, and how her team were able to create the standards they needed, through Tendable and working closely with our implementation team.​

You can find the full video here:

Spotlight on Wirral University Teaching Hospitals: Infection Prevention and Control during COVID - YouTube

For our final spotlight, we had Tracy Fennell, Chief Nurse for WUTH talking about a Chief Nurse’s View of Assurance.

Tracy is proud of how far the organisation have come with using Tendable to provide assurance from the divisions, through to the Executive board of Directors.​ As Tracy is an Executive Director in the quality committee, it allows her to see what is happening across the whole organisation in live time.

Tendable provides quality assurance that drives patient safety, patient experience and better outcomes for patients.

You can find the full video here:

Spotlight on Wirral University Teaching Hospitals: A Chief Nurse's Perspective - YouTube

​Tendable would be more than happy to discuss and support your organisation in your quality improvement journey.

Feel free to contact us: ​​

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